
damask tablecloth meaning in Chinese



  1. Sometimes on his way back from the hall , he would pass through the conservatory and the butlers room into a big room with a marble floor , where they were setting a table for eighty guests ; and looking at the waiters who were bringing in the silver and china , setting out tables and unfolding damask tablecloths , he would call up dmitry vassilyevitch , a young man of good family , who performed the duties of a steward in his household , and would say : now then , mitenka , mind everythings right
    有时候,他从接待室回来,顺路穿过花斋和堂馆休息室走进大理石大厅,大厅里已经摆好备有八十份餐具的筵席,他望着堂倌拿来银器和瓷器,摆筵席铺上织花桌布,并把出身于贵族的管家德米特里瓦西里耶维奇喊到身边来,说道: “喂,喂,米佳,你要注意,把一切布置停妥。好,好, ”

Related Words

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  3. damask satin
  4. damask silk
  5. furniture damask
  6. damask weave
  7. mixed damask
  8. half damask
  9. cream damask
  10. twill damask
  11. damask swi organdy
  12. damask swiss organdy
  13. damask ticking
  14. damask traycloth
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